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Posts Tagged ‘hate crimes

Angry homosexual mob attacks senior citizen.

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Homosexual attack senior citizen

I was visiting Palm Springs this weekend and saw television coverage of a very angry protest of homosexuals at City Hall. They were protesting the passage of California Proposition 8 to ban same sex marriage. A senior citizen arrived with a “Yes on Prop 8” sign written on a hand made cardboard cross.

These angry grown men attacked this senior citizen, grabbed her cross and stomped on it. Calling her vile names and shouting obscenities. They then turned on the poor news reporter (another female) and refused to even allow her to interview the senior citizen. Take a look at this video before they remove it. The homosexual activists are protesting all over California. The battle is not over just because the ballot measure passed.

Even though the attack happened across the street from the police station, the cops turned their backs on this and no charges were filed. You can clearly see the men who attacked her. One was seen repeatedly attacking the reporter. They will never give up – how about you?

See this video before they remove it.

Here is another channel reporting on the same story.

Written by masonweaver

November 9, 2008 at 4:18 am